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September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024

Why Marketplaces Are Revolutionizing Qual Research


Liz White

Key points

  • The traditional qualitative research model relies heavily on personal networks, limiting access to skilled moderators and diverse insights.

  • Marketplaces like Studio are revolutionizing qualitative research by connecting brands with a broader pool of talent, streamlining the research process, and empowering moderators with more opportunities.

  • Embracing the marketplace model is essential for brands to stay competitive – failing to adapt puts brands at risk of falling behind in understanding rapidly evolving consumer preferences.

When the team at buzzback started building Studio, we knew that the qualitative research market was ripe for disruption.

Brands needed the ability to get timely, quality research done to respond to market shifts. And moderators needed more ways to connect with brands looking for their expertise. Fast forward to today, and these themes have only become more pronounced. 

More brands than ever are turning to qualitative research to strengthen their market position and connect with customers. Industry reports show record growth for qualitative research. At the same time, a wave of layoffs post-covid thrust many researchers into freelance or job seeker mode, creating a ready pool of highly talented professionals.

With these factors at play, it would seem like there’s never been a better time to do qualitative research. But at the heart of the industry lies a fundamental truth: the traditional way we conduct qualitative research is broken.

With limited access to skilled moderators, brands have no choice but to work within an outdated system that relies heavily on personal networks. The industry needs a paradigm shift towards a marketplace model—a digital ecosystem that seamlessly connects research buyers with a diverse pool of research talent. 

At Studio, we're not just observing this need. We're actively building the future of qualitative research.

The Antiquated Landscape of Qualitative Research

For decades, the qualitative research industry has operated with a model that, quite frankly, nobody really likes. 

Don’t get me wrong, if you’re running qualitative research, your insights, bench of talent, and ways of working, might be humming along just fine. But for many brands, the whole process is full of glaring inefficiencies and limitations.

Finding the right moderator often evolves into an elaborate game of telephone. Emails bounce back and forth with messages like, "Do you know anyone who has experience in XYZ?" This outdated approach not only wastes valuable time, it also severely limits the pool of talent you have available for any given project. 

In an era where we can order a meal, book a vacation, or find a date with a few taps on a smartphone, it's striking that finding a qualified research moderator takes so much effort.

At its core, the current system is heavily reliant on personal networks and word-of-mouth referrals. The quality of research you can conduct is directly correlated to the network of moderators you have access to. This creates a significant barrier to entry for new players, or brands with tighter budgets to run qual.

“Today, your ability to run great qualitative research is only as good as your rolodex.”

This outdated approach also creates challenges for moderators. Without a centralized platform to showcase skills and availability, many talented researchers struggle to maintain a steady stream of work. It’s not uncommon to feel pressured to accept any project that comes across the desk, regardless of fit, due to the uncertainty of when the next opportunity might arise.

In a world where agility and rapid insight generation are crucial for strong brands, the qualitative research industry is in desperate need of a revolution.

Studio streamlines the qualitative research process for brands and research talent.

The Marketplace Revolution: Unlocking the Full Potential of Qualitative Research

What if as an industry, we could break free from the limitations of your network size, and quality? 

This is where the power of marketplaces comes into play. Marketplaces offer a unique set of benefits that have the potential to revolutionize the entire industry. Marketplaces are inherently designed to create mutually beneficial ecosystems for everyone involved. And their application to qualitative research is no exception. 

Here are a few key ways we see Studio’s marketplace poised to elevate the field:

For Research Buyers

Marketplaces unlock a world of possibilities that were previously out of reach. Suddenly, brands aren't limited to their immediate network or the moderators they've worked with in the past. Instead, they gain access to a diverse pool of talent, bringing unique expertise and perspectives. This expanded access allows for more specialized and targeted research, ultimately leading to richer, more nuanced insights.

The efficiency of marketplace platforms dramatically reduces the time and effort required to find the right moderator. No more endless email chains or telephone tag – just a streamlined process that matches research needs with the most suitable talent.

For Moderators

On the flip side, marketplaces offer tremendous benefits for research professionals. They provide a platform for moderators to showcase their skills and expertise to a broader audience, opening up opportunities that may have been previously inaccessible. This increased visibility can lead to a more steady and diverse stream of projects, allowing moderators to grow their businesses and refine their specialties through a portfolio career approach.

Perhaps most importantly, marketplaces help alleviate the feast-or-famine cycle that many independent researchers face. With a more predictable pipeline of opportunities, moderators can be more selective about the projects they take on, leading to better matches between researcher expertise and project needs.

The Big Picture

At its core, the marketplace model facilitates the best of both worlds. 

It creates a symbiotic relationship where both research buyers and providers can elevate their game. Research buyers gain access to a wider pool of talent and expertise, while moderators benefit from increased opportunities and better business stability.

Studio’s marketplace is not just changing how qualitative research is conducted – it’s expanding what's possible in the field. By breaking down barriers and fostering connections, we're paving the way for a more dynamic, efficient, and insightful future for qualitative research.

“The marketplace model facilitates the best of both worlds. With Studio, we’re fostering connections that benefit everyone, and are paving the way for a more dynamic and insightful industry.”

Studio: Pioneering the On-Demand Marketplace for Qualitative Research

At Studio, we're not just talking about this future of qualitative research—we're actively building it.

The platform is designed to address the pain points of both research buyers and moderators we’ve highlighted, creating a seamless and powerful marketplace that democratizes access to insights.

Studio offers a rich moderator network, project scoping tools, dedicated project spaces, and integrations with popular research tools.

Here's how it works:

  • Connecting talent with opportunity: our marketplace acts as a bridge between research buyers and skilled moderators. Whether you're looking for expertise in a specific industry, methodology, or demographic, our platform helps brands find the perfect match for your research needs.

  • Empowering moderators: research professionals benefit from a platform to showcase skills, projects, and build their reputation. This enables efficient matching, sending moderators a steady stream of opportunities to grow their business.

  • Embracing Technology for Enhanced Insights: while human expertise remains at the core of qualitative research, Studio leverages cutting-edge technology through strategic platform partnerships for things like participant recruiting and panel access. With industry partners like, Recollective, and User Interviews already onboard, we’re excited to be able to provide a seamless experience for our users. 

The marketplace model will drive a paradigm shift for qualitative research, breaking down barriers and democratizing access to insights.

Interested in rethinking your current qual solutions? Book a demo here!

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